Main Page
Welcome to The Lu Lab Wiki!
The essential survival guide in the Lu Lab. Currently expanding. To access, please e-mail the administrator (Tsaiyilu).
House Rules
- The Lu Lab Research Philosophy (v1.0 as of 10/22/24).
- The Lu Lab Manual/Onboarding information (In Progress).
- Lab Duty
- Dr. David Ho's advice to young scientists (6/14/2014 in Cambridge, MA) (public)
- Mouse survival surgery
- Intracardiac perfusion
- Immunohistochemistry/Immunocytochemistry/In situ hybridization
- OPC isolation and cultures
- Acute brain slice preparation
- Mouse demyelination models
- Recipes for OPC primary cell cultures
- Quick and dirty gDNA isolation
- Recipes for Physiology
- Recipes for immunohistochemistry/immunocytochemistry
- Recipes for injectable drugs
Transgenic Mouse Lines
- Mouse naming system
- OPC lines
- Oligodendrocyte lines
- Neuronal lines
- Reporters
- Floxed lines and others